Ford Repair: Tranny probles or ?, friction material, ford taurus

I own a 98 Ford Taurus. It recently started acting weird. when you come to a light or stop sign it will stop. Sometimes it will take off normaly other times it would act like it was stuck in a high gear and wouldn't move. I used to could rev the motor up to 2k rpm, and it would take off. when it first started this i changed the fluid and filter. I was just wondering if this could be linked to a sensor, Or if im looking at complete trany rebuild?
Thanks for any help you can give me.


Based on your description there is a fluid pressure loss at the 1st/reverse apply piston inside the transmission.  As time goes on without the piston applying fully the friction material on the clutches will burn and cause no forward/reverse movement.  I'm sorry for the bad news but a rebuild is probably the least expensive course of action.
