Honda Repair: 2003 honda accord heat/ac issues, intermediate skill level, climate control unit

hello. i need help resolving an issue with my heater/ac.  The symptoms started when, the AC/heater would work intermittently.  when it worked, the air would stop when i turned right, only to resume once the steering wheel returned to center.  The issue has since progressed and now i do not have a defroster (front or rear), ac or heater; I'm guessing it is a relay.  I rank my auto repair skills as "novice" but am interestede to see what i can deduce/fix without involving a dealer or shop.  Any guidance is greatly appreciated.

DJ, i have been asked this question with similar issues involved with the climate controls on this generation Accord many times now. Unfortunately I have been unable to provide an exact fix that is consistently causing this particular issue.

Whichever this is a defective issue that Honda has not dealt with issuing a recall over. About 50% of the time it has come down to moisture reaching the contacts of multiple relays. The other 50% of the time it was the climate control unit itself. New climate controls - expensive. Used unit from a recycler - cheaper but, long wait lists (unless you get lucky.) Relays new - inexpensive. They run anywhere from about $10 - $20 per relay. Dielectric grease on all relay contacts to prevent future moisture issues - $8.

The climate controls replacement - intermediate skill level to replace. But, with a little patience and some understanding on how these remove a novice could handle it. Research the internet for diagrams and specifications.

Relays - novice. You can easily do this and alot of the relays will be specified by size, type, and location in your owner's manaual. Any other relays use the internet for reference. Only replace the relays that specifically relate to the areas you are having problems with.