Honda Repair: 1994 hoda Accord Crankshaft Pulley, crankshaft pulley, alternator pulley

I have a 1994 Honda Accord 2.2 engine, is the crankshaft pulley 1 piece or is the outer pulley that drives the alternator a separate piece. The one I am working on is free from the inner section and can come right off, doesn't seem right to me but i am not an experienced Honda mechanic. I have put the belt back on and it seems to run OK, but it just seems not correct in my mind.

Richard, all crank shaft pulley's are (1) piece on all Honda's. There should be (3) belts that hook to that pulley. A/C, power steering, and alternator. My question is: "The one I am working on is free from the inner section and can come right off, doesn't seem right to me but i am not an experienced Honda mechanic." I have no idea what you are talking about?? Which one are you talking about?? The alternator pulley or the crankshaft pulley?? Assuming you are working on the alternator pulley, the pulley should not be just coming off of the shaft. There should be a nut that is torqued onto that shaft. It is not uncommon for the nut to loosen after time and fly off down the road somewhere. Of course, you wont know what happened until the alternator pulley loosens and then you have a battery light come up on the dash - triggering the alternator to not charge the battery. Then again if you are working on the crankshaft pulley it has a bolt in the center. Is this there? Is the nut on the alternator pulley there? Please provide detailed information with regards to what areas of the engine you are working on specifically so i can provide you with a more detailed analysis.