Honda Repair: engine misses/hesitate under load, 1991 honda accord, honda accord

1991 honda accord misses/hesitate under light load when warmed up. I notice that it only happens when rpm is 1500-2000 range. I checked everthing: cap, rotor, plugs, injectors, iac, clean throttle. Need help.

Hi Tuan,

The EGR passages are clogged. This is common on this vehicle. I have always drilled out the 4 plugs in the intake manifold under the fuel rail, used pic to clear the passages then used a 6x1.25 tap to make threads and installed short bolts in the holes I made. This is an easy remedy to a problem that is usually labor intensive as Honda wants you to remove the plugs and install new ones. Hope this helps if you have any more questions please feel free to contact me. Have a great day!
