Honda Repair: 1997 Civic EX Stalling, scaned, o2 sensor

I recently purchased my car and bought a header for it. I went to put it on one day but needed more parts so I put the old manifold back on but forgot to plug the o2 sensor back in. The check engine light came on, realized what I had done and fixed the problem. Well, to clear the code I pulled the Backup fuse under the hood. This worked for my last car 92 civic. The light went off and I went just down the street and when i pushed the clutch in, the car dipped down to normal idle then completely died. I started it back up and reved it a little and it didi it again. After a little while of driving it, it began running perfect again. Well I got the new part and put the header on not too long ago and the check engine light is on again, I had the code scaned and it is a faulty o2 sensor. I pulled the fuse again hoping to clear up the prob but now it is doing the stalling again but now its worse. It stalls unless the a/c is on and when it idles the a/c kicks on and off constantly, the SRS light recently came on, VTEC has trouble engaging and staying engaged, and it feels like it's switching between too rich and too lean when driving through the power band because the car jerks at different parts of the revs. I'm thinking that the ecu is faulty because my friend had an accord that had similar symptoms and it was the ecu. I've had a couple of places check the car out but noone can seem to find the problem. Please let me know if you know whats wrong. I need to get it fixed soon because this is my Daily car that i can't afford to have break down. Thanks! Chris

These cars when you remove the backup fuse need to have the idle speed relearned.  I would pull the fuse, reset the computer, and let the engine idle for about 30 minutes with no loads.  Make sure A/C is off.  

The A/C clicking on and off is either a low freon condition or the condensor fan isn't coming on.  I would check the condensor fan and make sure its coming on with the compressor.  If its not, that a/c system will really strain the engine.  The condensor fan can easily be hit, especially when putting a header on and bend the fan covering which causes the fuse to blow.  

The SRS light is most likely something seperate.