Honda Repair: Honda Accord wont start, platinum plugs, oil light

took off the dist cap and cranked it over the roter cap is turning like it should

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Thats a 91 Honda

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I've been having a main relay problem but could not find it so i kept driving it. One day on my way to work my oil light came on an dit stalled and aint ran since. The car cranks over but will not start.I'm getting no fire and no power to the fuel injectors. Can you tell what I'm over looking

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What year Accord?

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Remove the dist cap and make sure when you turn the engine over that the rotor is turning like its supposed to.

If you have no fire, my bet is the coil/ignitor have failed.  If you have platinum plugs or badly worn plugs, this is hard on the coil and they fail.  YOu will need to replace both the coil and ignitor assemblies.  They are both in the distributor.  Is the check engine light coming on?