Honda Repair: 97 Honda Accord - Driver window seal leakage, window seal, accord driver



Followup To

Question -
I replaced driver side window actuator on 97 Honda Accord. Because it was not functioning properly, I had to remove window pane couple of times. During this, I might have damaged the window rubber seal. I tested water leak with covering window completely and found that window was the culprit. My question how to remove this window seal? Is there any trick to removing and installing a new one. Should I also replace the plasic sheet behind the panel.

Answer -
If you damaged or didn't reinstall that rain skin (plastic sheet) behind the door panel it will leak water.

Follow up -

My main question is, how to remove window seal? Is there any special tool needed or is there any trick, for example, do I need to slide and then twist to remove? And where can I get this fair priced window seal? Dealer's price is about $85.00 plus.

Thanks for your help.

You will only find it at the dealership that I am aware of.  $85 is about right.  The window seal just slides into the metal track.  You will have to remove the window again but it will fit.  Take your time to make sure that you get it back in the same place as the other one.  You will also want to remove the mirror as well.