Hyundai Repair: Turbo Lag or timing?, hyundai scoupe, camshaft timing

QUESTION: I just bought a 93 Hyundai Scoupe Turbo with what I thought only to be wrong was a bad water pump. I changed it a while back an now am noticing a serious lag at acceleration, especially with starting and shifting. I also have difficulty gaining speed on the freeway. I have to rev up to very high rpm's for a decent engine response. Could I have messed up the timing at water pump change or turbo prob you think? Thanks so much for your time!

ANSWER: There are many potential causes for a lack of engine power.

If this problem began immediately after replacing the water pump, I'd say it's best to recheck the camshaft timing.  

If the problem was the same after replacing the water pump, expect some other cause such as the turbo.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your quick response! I noticed it a bit before the pump swap. What's the best way to check the turbo?

I don't know of any good way to check it other than removal and inspection.  It'd be better to check other things first:

-- any diagnostic trouble codes
-- intake air bellows
-- compression
-- secondary ignition components (cap, rotor, plugs, wires)

I'm sure there are other potential items, but this is what I can think of off the top of my head.  I've left fuel pump/clogged catalytic converter off the list because they tend to cause problems at high rpm instead of low.