Jeep Repair: 2003 Grand Cherokee Laredo, grand cherokee laredo, grand cherokee

QUESTION: Problem – Failure to start – Jeep will start and I park jeep outside the garage, go back and start jeep within five minutes and it won’t start.  I turn the key 10 times plus then it usually will start.  I had the fuel pump replaced and the problem went away, six months later the same problem is back again.     Help

ANSWER: use aftermarket pump?

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QUESTION: I talked with a mechanic and he feels the problem is within fuel flowing to the engine.  How many filters or filter involves gas flowing to the engine?  

Thank you for responding.

ANSWER: its not a filter issue  so don't wast any money on that.  A filter does not fix it self or  work some times. Think about it  if u have a stopped up water line to your house and it was clogged up if u were to by chance  unclogged it would it just clog it self back up and unclog it self when it wants to after 10 min of use??? If he things it a flow issue  tell him to do a pressure test  and a flow test   7oz of fuel in 3 seconds is normal. U still did not answer if u used an aftermarket pump  so U got what U paid for in most cases.

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QUESTION: The fuel pump put in my jeep was not suppose to be an after market part as I don't believe in cutting corners.   Also if you did not live so far away I would be happy to have you service my Jeep.  I live in Delaware.  Please respond and thanks for all of your help.

If it is a factory pump and it has infact failed  U can get a new on from Chrysler  they have a 12 month 12k warranty.  Next time U go out to start  do this. Cycle the key on and off 3 times  then fire it up  if U start up right away  then yes pump  infact they have a tsb to replace a check valve on the fuel pump to stop it from bleeding down.