Jeep Repair: A/C 2002 Jeep Wrangler, heater hoses, engine vacuum

Hey Doug,

There is nothing wrong with my A/C other than I am unable to direct the air to the face level!  Sometimes it takes a looooonnngg while to come off the floor position and sometimes it doesn't do it at all!  

I've been trying to locate a repair manual so I know where to troubleshoot the control door or vacumn hoses that might work the door.

thanks for your response,  joy:)

MOST of the time I would say check the vacuum lines under the hood that lead to inside the cabin (firewall area at heater hoses or a/c lines).  I still say check these but I think the problem may not be a hose undone all-together like it normally is.

If you get ANY movement from the "Mode" selector then I don't think you've got a vacuum line undone under the hood.  Typically, there's one that attatches to the intake manifold that will cause a completely inop-all-the-time condition of the mode selector.

In your case you said you had SOME movement, sometimes.  This says to me there may be engine vacuum bleading off or a door not moving all the way for one reason or another.  There have been problems with diaphragms that are vacuum operated failing on previous year model wranglers.  This door is located about half-way up your right calf as you're in the driver's seat.  Unfortunately, there's multiple ones and of course they are all right there next to each other.

How does your cruise control work?  If you have it, and it works 100% ok then that will save alot of time and I would point you to inside the cabin area.  Do you have access to a simple vacuum pump?  You can buy one from a parts store or sears but expect to pay probably 25-75 depending on location and quality.
p.s. I'm glad you weren't concerned about a water leak or windnoise on your wrangler. :)