Land Rover Repair: too many problems for a young car, finite life span, mid sixties

I have a 2000 Disco II, bought new.  It has only 68,000 miles on it.  All of a sudden I'm replacing the front steering rod and the secondary air pump.  Now they say I have to replace the rear rod, then get it aligned.  I hate putting so much $$ into this and am almost ready to dump it.  Any advice?

With all due respect, you've got to get real with your thinking!  This is a nine-year-old vehicle.  The parts you need to replace have a finite life span.  Think back to the seventies - a mid sixties car would be ready for the junkyard.  Your Rover is almost a decade old and you can keep it running another decade with some steady parts replacement.  That's a modest list, given the age of your Rover.

You say it's a lot of money, but compared to what?  A new Rover is $50,000.  Those parts arent' but a tiny fraction of replacement cost.  

You just have to recognize that cars are machines, and they are not service free. As they get older, their need for care will increase.  But they have long service lives.