Land Rover Repair: freelander, leaky injector, good starting point

QUESTION: mt 2litre diesel automatic TD4 freelander has been very heavy on fuel recently, been on diagnostic computer noyhing showing
it has today broken down it stopped while doing 20miles per hour engine management light came on, it restarted, then after
leaving it for 10mins out shop it will not restart plenty of power sounds like fuel is,nt getting through any thoughts please

ANSWER: It sounds like you have a bad injector.

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QUESTION: would one bad injector stop it from starting! could it be a dirty fuel filter!

ANSWER: Yes, one bad injector could stop it from starting.  It is unlikely tha the problem is just a dirty fuel filter.  To assist you any further, I would need to know the fault codes that came up when the engine management light came on.

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QUESTION: where would i find them i didnt see anything come up are they on
the diagnostic pc when you plug it  in!

A leaking injector will not show up on a scan tool. You an check them as follows:

1)Remove the return lines from the injectors and replace them with a length of plastic tubing.
2)Crank the engine and compare all four injectors for even filling.  

Any one of the tubes that does not fill at the same rate as the others, indicates an injector that has a problem.

If you have no diagnostic trouble codes and the symptoms you describe, a leaky injector is the most likely, but obviously without seeing the car or having more information, I cannot definitively diagnose it.

I hope this gives you a good starting point.