Land Rover Repair: Range Rover 1999 4.6 HSE, electrical faults, airsprings

The susp. warning light (car with arrow beneath) remains lit and all height indicator LEDS are lit.Suspension stays high. Anyone know what the fault might be?

This is a "soft" fault, there is a problem with the system detected by the ECU but it's not pressing enough (yet) to cause a "hard" fault that will send the RR to the bumpstops and provide you with a very bumpy ride home, or a flatbed tow.

There are numerous fault codes that can cause a soft fault, some will stat that way for a long time (most minor electrical faults) and some will turn into a "hard" fault, sometimes in a few hours, sometimes a few weeks.  A dying compressor or leaky airsprings can cause soft faults that will eventually be hard faults.

The first step is to read the codes stored in the ECU, this can be done with free, opensource software available from the main author here:

Armed with the codes the troubleshooting is much easier.