Land Rover Repair: Blinking Odometer on Disco II, instrument pack, state instrument

I recently had the alternator replaced on my Rover, I drove the Rover for the first time today since I got it back from the shop and the odometer blinks continually. I have looked throught the owner's manual forward and backwards, and find nothing. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Hi Eric,

could be a 'communication' problem within the BCU.  The BCU checks input from security, ignition state, instrument odometer value, BCU held odometer value, to name a few...

I would wonder what happened during the alternator replacement.  Did you do this yourself?

Here's what someone once wrote:

If the odometer warning option is enabled, and the contents of the instrument pack odometer value buffer are identical and more than 10 km greater than or less than the BCU odometer value, the BCU sends an LCD flash request to the instrument pack.

That's about all I can find.  I've not heard of this before.

Best of luck,
