Land Rover Repair: 2000 Disco II, Traction control, left front tire, valve adjustment

I just bought a 2000 Discovery II SD, In low range, I put the left front tire against a steep angle abought 10 inches tall. The right front tire dug a big hole and the left front tire did not spin at all. I ended up backing up and was not able to climb it. The "TC" light came on. I could hear a pulsating sound from the ABS. Also the hill decent does not seem to work I hear that same pulsating sound. When the engine gets up to operating tempurature I hear a ticking sound from the engine. Sounds like loose valve adjustment. I also found a bad crank seal, Is this an expensive fix at the dealership, or if i did it myself would it require any speacle tools. Other than these problems I really like the Land rover.

Thank you

Hi Willie,

the valve adjustment you could probably do in your driveway. Crank seal...a garage with a lift is better.

The ABS, TC and HDC problem is another matter and best left to a LR expert.  Sounds like the ABS modulator is having trouble...just not sure where.

Well worth fixing.  

Best of luck,


NB: If you need more help with the seal and valve ajustments, just send me an email and I'll help you out.