Land Rover Repair: Whining noise on passanger side, exhaust gasket, noise interference

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Question -
I have a 94 Disco and it makes a constant whining noise around the passanger side glove box when I approach 40mph and gets lower as I decelerate and eventually stop.  It's not extremely loud but a little annoying when I don't have the radio on and the windows are up. I wouldn't mind fixing it if it doesn't cost too much.  What's most likely causing this problem?  Thanks.
Answer -
Hi Eric,

the only thing I know thats behind the glove box on most Disco's is the BCM (body control module).  Is it an electrical kind of static noise?  Interference with the engine being picked up?  Is it within the Disco passenger area or outside, in the engine compartment nearest the glove box?

Could it be your blower motor?

I'll ask around and get back to you with a follow-up.  Interesting problem.




The sound is coming from under the hood near the passenger side glove box.  It's definitely not the blower motor as I've replaced one before because a bearing went bad.  The sound isn't static or doesn't sound like anything electrically related.  It's a high pitched whining noise that I've heard before in older AT cars and trucks when they start to move and go up in gears.  I only get the noise when I'm moving.  According to what I've read it could be anything from an ACE pump, wather pump, transfer gear box, transfer, pulley, AT fluid, or anything in that area that might have a bad bearing.  By the way, would you happen to know of any good Rover mechanics in the Las Vegas, NV area?  I don't want to take it to the Rover dealership if I don't have to.  Thanks again.  

Hi Eric,

the noises in the engine compartment are usually exhaust, component or internal engine related.

Exhaust noises, like a cracked Y pipe or blown exhaust gasket, can rise and fall as you speed up and slow down.  This is close to the firewall and is a prime suspect in your investigation.  Only last year, I found a small hairline crack below the exhaust manifold on the Y pipe.  You'll have to wait until your engine is cool THEN do a thorough examine on the glove box side.  I think your Disco's problem is either the exahust manifold or Y pipe. If you leave it much longer, the noise will increase as the crack widens.  If its a gasket, the vibrations could make trouble too.

If you suspect component noises (pulley bearings, AC, Alt..,), the quick test is to systematically remove the belts and turn the engine over.  The components become isolated and if there's a noise, you'll find it.  If you have a serpentine belt (I don't think the '94 had this), remove the belt and manually roll each pulley and listen for telltale bearing scrape noise.

Internal engine noises are more difficult to detect.  You could remove the rocker cover and then turn the engine over.  While the engine has reached its normal idle speed and using a feeler gauge (0.015mm), with the engine idling, insert between each rocker and valve system. A faulty valve operating mechanism will emit a different noise when the feeler gauge is inserted.

I hope this helps and best of luck,


NB:  Eric, next time please be more specific with your problem description.  The original question had me looking for components behind the glove box when all the while it was an engine compartment noise on that side of your Disco.  Thanks.