Land Rover Repair: Tripometer, honda civic, reset button

My tripometer isn't working.

However, my Tachometer is working
just fine.

Does the faulty tripometer still
mean the alt is ready for the
"big sleep"?

Can I run out and buy a new
expensive battery, and avoid
having to replace the alt?

Thanks alot,

Hi Danielle,

if its only the Trip that's not're ok.  When you loose the Tach then you should start to worry.

The Trip may not be working due to a defect in the number rotation device, the reset button or maybe the attached cable.  Does your mileage/kilometers indicator still function?

I once owned a Honda Civic where the Trip cable was used for the mileage too!  When the cable came loose, both the Trip and the Odometer were lost!  

I've not seen this problem with my Disco...but anything is possible.

The only time to worry about your alternator is when the tachometer is no longer working.  You can either elect to fix the Trip (dismantle the driver's dash) or live without it.

If you are interested in fixing this yourself, send me a followup and I'll point you in the right direction.

