Land Rover Repair: air suspension, old spring, air suspension

thanks for the rapido responce john.
the vehicle is a 98 4.0
after fitting the unit (genuine not after market)the front raised a little.popped. and was found to have bellowed out to its full length not returning to the curled down sock position like the others,is this common?
i attached the lower pin when the vehicle was on the ground so what could have happened ?

Hello Stuart,

I contacted a few owners who have suggested that you may have lost your air suspension compressor.  LR charges about $1000 for this.  

Another owner reminded me that usually front shocks are replaced in pairs. If one goes, the other is not long for life either. He seems to think by installing only one you may have unknowingly caused problems with the compressor sensors.   Since I am an old spring and shock guy, I'm not very sure about the sensors but can attest to the changing in pairs theory.

Have your compressor checked. I looked around on the inet and found an owner who has one for sale.  "Walt" is offering an air suspension compressor from a 2003 Disco II for $490.  

I'd have yours tested first to determine if it needs replacement.  If it needs replacement, ask your LR dealer if a 2003 Disco II compressor can be used on yours.   If so, give Walt a call. I don't know Walt personally, but the offer sounds good.

You can also ask your dealer to look around for a rebuilt compressor.  Some dealers will do this.  

Walt's number is 305-466-7711.

I wish you best of luck with this problem, Stuart.

