Lincoln/Mercury Repair: my car wont start, ford products, car wont start

ok the other night my car was hit in the back end and it left no marks well the next day it died on me and started back up it did this twice and then the following day it died 7 more times and on the 7th time it died and would not start up and the next day when we went to look at it the battery was completely dead and now the battery wont keep charge what is wrong why wont my battery keep charge is it my battery or something else. please respond

Hi Joni,

If it didn't start right after the accident I would say it was the inersia switch located in the trunk of all newer Ford products. But because it restarted, it is likely the battery. An easy test for a bad battery is this: Jump the car and get it running. While it is running disconnect the positive (red or plus sign) side of the battery. If the car dies, it's tha alternator. If it continues to run, it's the battery. Let me know how that goes! Thank you, hope I was a help.