Mazda Repair: Squeal from Back Wheel - 2008 CX-7, wheel bearing, awd vehicles

I own a 2008 Mazda CX-7. The back right wheel started squealing a few weeks ago. The interesting thing is that it is very intermittent and only occurs after accelerating. The squeal stops the moment I apply the brakes, even though the car is till moving. The car now has 48,000 miles and has the original brakes.

Can worn breaks or calipers cause this problem? If so, why only on acceleration and not when braking.

Finally, I do have experience changing pads and rotors on disc brakes. I understand there is a sensor on AWD vehicles. Do I need to do anything differently because of the sensor?

Thanks in advance.....Mike.

because pressure is being applied to the brakes under braking that maybe the reason why the noise goes away. your best bet is to remove the tire and look at the brakes and make sure nothing is causing the noise however it maybe a wheel bearing starting to go not hearing the noise myself it's hard to say.