Mazda Repair: My car will not start a mazda 94 626, starter solenoid, battery clamps

My car will not start i was driving and it act like it wanted to cut off so i went to check fluids. fluids was ok i got back into the car and it wont turn over but all lights is on, a tech. told me it was the starter replace it. it still wont come on. what do you think it is i need help

First, have your battery tested. If it is not fully charged, then charge it and have it tested. If it will not fully charge, then replace the battery.

Second, do you still have your old starter? Since the new started did not solve the problem, your old started was probably good. If you still have it, test it as well. You can do this on your own with a car good battery, a set of jumper wires and some alligator clips. Just connect the positive on the battery to the large post on the back of the starter solenoid with the red jumper. Connect the negative on the battery to the mounting flange on the starter. Hold onto the starter tightly for this next step. Use a wire with alligator clips on it to connect the positive battery terminal to the small spade connector on the starter solenoid. The starter should kick out the starter drive gear and spin it freely. If the starter is good, and I suspect it is, cross it off your list of possible causes.

Third, check all the connections from the battery to the starter and from the battery to the fuses. Check particularly close to the battery since this is where the majority of the corrosion occurs. If you have corrosion on the battery clamps, clean them with a wire brush type battery cleaner. Also make sure that there is not any corrosion in the cable that the clamps are connected to. If the cables are corroded, you'll need to either replace the battery cables or cut the corroded section off and install new clamps. It is very common for a car to have working gauges, head lights, stereo, etc, and still not have enough power to turn the starter.

Of course, you should also check all of your fuses.

Also be sure to check for spark and for fuel pressure.