Mazda Repair: Mazda Tribute Idle, mazda tribute, vacuum leak



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Question -
I have a 2003 Mazda Tribute V-6. 40,00 miles.Idle RPM is very low and the engine is constantly shutting immediately after starting. Check Engine is not on. Changed fuel filter. Has original spark plugs. Could spark plugs cause this ?
Fuel pump or IAC ? Would check Engine light come on if IAC were bad ?

Answer -
Hi Mike thanks for asking,
these 3 liters where eqiuped with platinum plugs, but there is a possiblity of a bad spark plug. Is the check engine light on? if it is have it scanned, if the code comes up as a multiple cylinder misfire then it probably is the plugs. If it gives you a specific misfire code anywhere from cylinder 1 to 6 then it may be an ignition coil. Eache cylinder has its own coil, and they where commmon for burning out.
Good luck
Chris P

Thanks Chris.
         I am going to change the plugs.
If that does not solve the problem, where would
you check next ? Check Engine Light has not come on so I assume there are no codes to pull.

Hi again mike,
sorry for the delay i was on vacation,
well I would still have it scanned anyhow for stored trouble codes, And i would have a technician look through the data stream to check for any abnormal behaviour in any sensors, and have them at the same time go over the engine for a vacuum leak, usaul if there are bad spark plugs the check engine light will come on with a multiple cylinder misfire code.
good Luck
Chris p