Mercedes Benz repair: 1981 mercedes 380sl stalling, reproduction print, selenoid

My 1981 mercedes is stalling when in gear.
When I am in drive and push on the gas and rapidly back off the vehicles sometimes stall (regardless of tempreture). THe idle is about 750rpm. The timing is  pretty far advanced. Will change spark plugs and the idle selenoid has been changed, because the car was idling at 1600 rpm.
Is there a manual I can buy for this car, haynes or something?


Too many possible issues, you need the service information, and local help.

Owner's Manual
Part Number                                         Price  
QL-6510-5230-02 380 SL/SLC; 1981 (Reproduction) print  $19.99  

Service Manual
Part Number                                   Price
QL-6516-5604-02 CD-Rom R107 Service Manual Li. $19.99