MG Car Repair: 1976 Midget

I have a 76 mg midget and am having electronic ignition trouble...I want to change it to a newer item (I belive it's called an ignitor system?)the person before me installed a 12v coil (I belive was wrong) and it started this has killed that ampliflier on the wheel well (a bit expensive on the replacement cost) my question is what is it that I need to replace, just pull that Amp and electronic ign. and coil then replace with a 6v coil and ignitor  ???

Hi Jack,

The original Opus-Lucas ignition system failed often so several aftermarket electronic ignition systems sold a replacement. Some required a 12v coil and others used a 6v coil. What ever brand of electronic ignition system you are installing will require either one, so you need to read the instructions to see which is required for that system. If the instructions don't tell you then you need to contact who ever you purchased it from or look up the manufacture on the Net and contact them.

The original Opus/Lucas used a 6v coil and a resistor wire from the ignition switch and an additional coil power bypassed the resistor wire to power the 6v coil with 12v from the starter solenoid (Which in the start position was not 12v due to the drag of the starter motor# Then when the key was released back to the run position the resistor wire dropped the voltage to about 6v. An additional resistor was used to power the amplifier #which was mounted on the side of the distributor and the vacuum unit was mounted on that.

Since you know that the system has been changed you need to check the wiring to see if they had altered the wiring system too. The new electronic ignition system will come with a wiring diagram to show how to wire it up. You must find out which coil is required for the system you have.
