MG Car Repair: mgb, stromberg carburetor, letter designations

QUESTION: when my 1977 mgb is warm it runs great. if it is a little cold on the first start of the day it is near impossible to start.i am in atlanta so we are not talking really fires on a couple of cylinders now an then. it has points and i notice the choke is has new pionts, condenser and plugs.i can turn it over for 3or 4 minutes and it won,t start. any ideas? I can smell gas sometimes.even though i have run a tank full of gas thru it, the gas smells old.

ANSWER: Hi Gary,
The 77 B has a single Stromberg carburetor and there are two main reasons that carb can be cold natured. The coolant operated choke is one and another is if you don't keep oil in the top pot of the carb it will be cold natured and be difficult to open the throttle quickly when the engine is cold. Stale gas can also give the same problems if the car had sat for a long time.
Let me know,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for your reply. mine has a webber two barrel carb.  model 11046.  i do notice the choke is tightley shut during the starting process.should it open some while trying to start?after trying to start last night i opened the choke and held the gas on full to see down into the carb. there was a lot of gas.

ANSWER: Gary, it can be too much choke or not enough so do this, When it does finally start as you have been doing have someone look at the exhaust pipe from the rear while you try to rev the engine a little. If it is blowing black smoke, it is too much choke. If they only see light puffs of black smoke on quick throttle movements, then it is probably ok if the black smoke goes away as it warms up. Another test is when you try to start and it has not started, quickly remove several spark plugs and note if they are wet. Next test is to get a can of starter fluid and when it is cold have someone try to start the engine while you spray a little starter fluid into the intake.

I never heard of an 11046 Weber. Look for other number and letter designations on the carb.

Also, have you done a compression test on this engine?
Let me know,

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QUESTION: thanks so much for your help. i think the problem i need to address first is checking out the wiring.the first problem i had was the bottom fuse in the fuse box would burn out. the car would turn over and fire but when you let the key go it would turn off.replace the fuse and the car would run.i need to say at this point that there has been some bypassing of the original wiring. i think mostly on the ignition circits. some on lights but they work b is a 1977 and has ignition switch relay and a starter solenoid relay. there are new wires coming coming from the ignition switch out to various places in the motor. also some new wires around the fuses. i will try to send you another e-mail  no more space

You need a wiring diagram to trace out circuits as rewiring a whole car on this program would take a life time. If you don't have one let me know and give me an e-mail address and I will e-mail one to you. Then as you proceed if you get into trouble on a specific item let me know and I will try to help.