Mitsubishi Repair: 1996 Mitsubishi Mirage S- starting/stalling issues, mitsubishi mirage, kinds of sensors

In a nutshell, my Mirage S(w 90,000 miles) starts very rough.It takes some coaxing to get it to start.Once started(first thing in the morning),it will stall several times before get out of the driveway.It takes a little to get any speed registered on the speedometer as well. It has to be that the fuel is not getting through properly.
I have changed the oil& oil filter,air filter&fuel filter.Someone suggested to me that it might be the CO2 sensor.I have not changed that yet as I cannot afford to buy one right now. Also the oil light will come on whenever I start the car or stop at a stop sign but the oil is not low.
I have also been told to take it to a shop & have them put it on a computer.Out of the question-way too much $ for this gal. I try to do most of my own mechanic's work on the car.
 I am far from a mechanic but am learning more about my little wonder everyday. Necessity forces one to learn.  ANY suggestions on what is wrong & how to correct it, please let me know

Catharine: Very good that you work on your own car, with that thought you need to go into a parts store and buy yourself a repair manual for your car. They cost around $20.00 and well worth the money.  Try to get an Haynes as they have less engines in them.You can then do a trouble shooting on your car's problem and see what the manual tell you about it. 90,000 miles is not a lot of miles for a car but things do start to break down with those miles. If you have an AutoZone close by, they will code the car for free. That is where they hook your car's computer to their inshop computer, it will kick out any problem the car's computer is picking up. The computer of your car runs everything in the car a long with all kinds of sensors through out the engine. My thought it that is could be bad sensor someplace but when is the last time you did a good tune up on this car? The repair manual would help you do this, stark plugs, wires, etc... I know people are always suggesting things but it could be an co2 sensor but it could be something else. If you got the repair manual and a voltmeter, you could with the help of the repair manual as to know what readings you should be getting, check a lot of those sensors yourself should you not have one of those AutoZones close by. Or check around sometimes you can find a place that will check the computer for no cost. AutoZone is a parts store but they do a lot of other things for people who like to work on their own cars. You know don't you that you should not let your car get down below 1/4 empty on the gas tank because the fuel is what keeps the fuel pump cool. So if you run the car down to empty to much it will with time cook the fuel pump. But again with the help of that repair manual you can check that fuel pump too. As the fuel pump in your car might not be pulling out enough fuel pressure for your car. Still first go out and buy that repair manual for your car, read up on the car so you will know it inside and out. Then do a tune up on the car, what oil weight do you use in your car? If you take the car to a shop to have that oil changed, they will put in the lightest weight oil that they can like 5w30. Next time you get the oil changed ask for 10w30 and see if that helps your oil light problem. If not then the oil sending unit could be getting tired. Still try the heavier oil, and don't let the shop tell you that the 5w30 is better for the engine. Guys will try to put anything over on a woman. Other wise with the oil light, it could be the oil pump too. Still try that tune up and heavier weight oil. See how that helps, hey keep me posted on this too. God bless: Linda