Mitsubishi Repair: 2004, pushing the car, stop signs

I have exactly 60,000 miles on my 2004 Spyder / 2.4L engine and based on what I've read, should change my timing belt now--problem is that I'm taking a trip, leaving tomorrow and when I return will have approx. 65,000 miles. Do you think this will be OK?  This is my 3rd Spyder-I had a 1994 w/127,000 miles and my timing belt broke so I'm paranoid about changing this. My mechanic told me that I could easily wait until 75,000 to change. Please advise, I'm confused!  

Bren: I am going to stick my neck out here, as long as you are  not pushing the car, zipping off from stop signs well you know driving the car hard and fast. It will be just fine till you return home from your trip. I understand that you are worried as we all get that way when something happens like it did. But that other car had 127,000 miles on it and this car will have just a bit over 60,000 miles.So enjoy your trip and get the belt changed when you return. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda