Mitsubishi Repair: Heop, voltmeter, autozone

I bought a 1993 3000 GT they told me that maybe the computer was bad but.  i got to check it and fuel pump is good but once hooked up it doesn't work and im not gitting fire to the plugs.    I don't know but they put an alarm that the purchase at the stor thanks place help me  

Leo: Sounds like the computer or a sensor or more out. You need to have the car coded, AutoZone would do this for free and it would give you an read out as to what is going on. Other wise buy a repair manual at any parts store, then get a voltmeter, starting with the battery work yourself around the engine till you find your problem. The repair manual will tell you what readings you should be getting with the voltmeter. No stark to the stark plugs could either be the computer or the timing belt. But the computer controls everything in your car. If it does not work your car does not work. The year is the right year for the bad computers that were put into those cars. So I bet it is the computer. I don't understand about the alarm that was purchased at the store. So I would unhook that if you can, because that might be messing with the car too. Hope this helps you and good luck!~