Mitsubishi Repair: 99 eclipse spyder gst new T/belt install/now no power, eclipse spyder, little cars

had a new t/belt install and now i have no starts up fine and idles smooth enough ..but theres no acceleration power or no turbo boost...and this car used to be real quick and fast..what did they doooooooo?

Look Gary: It is darn hard to really know what the shop did to your car. They could have done anything. Without being able to drive the car and listen to it; I am only guessing here. I have talked to people, read my books and thought about it. But like my brother says it take three very important things to make the car go; AIR, FUEL and STARK. The computer mixes it all together and then off down the road you go. Could be they did not sit the timing belt into the car right or they did not time the car right. I wish I could do more for you. I have been working on these little cars for a lot of years. And I get really upset when people want me to be god like. I only do what I can through this computer, it does not take the place of being able to drive the car or hear it. I am sorry I was not able to help you with your problems or fix them! Take the car to another shop...