Mitsubishi Repair: auto problems, blown head gasket, coolant temp

i have a 2000 montero sport and its been overheating  i have everything checked out and still can,t find whats wrong with it. what if theCoolant Temperature Sensor is out how would you know /the hoses have been checked for leeks and found nothing  but the ac do run hot after its on for a few minutes aand the ac is fully charged  

You should list all the items you've already checked.  The 3 items that cause overheating most frequently are a stuck thermostat, clogged radiator, and lack of (or dirty) coolant.

Keep an eye on your coolant level.  And if it appears to get lower and lower, but you do not see any leaks, that could indicate a warped or blown head gasket.  Usually, if the Coolant Temp Sensor was malfunctioning, you'd experience idle and/or starting problems.  Your check engine light may also be on if that sensor was bad.  But you can have a mechanic inspect that sensor.

As for your A/C not working, that could indicate a malfunctioning compressor or even poor airflow across the condensor.  There's also a chance the belt that drives the water pump and A/C compressor is worn and slipping.  That could account for lack of A/C functionality and the overheating.  Have your A/C compressor and your water pump inspected to be sure they are operating properly.
Good luck!