Mitsubishi Repair: car wont idle after new engine, crank sensor, refernece

i bought a 1996 eclipse 2.0 with a bad motor Half tore apart I rebuilt the bottom end and had the head redone In the harness that goes to the alt/ knock sensor and crank sensor there is a 2 wire plug that i cant find where it goes and the car will not idle ?I checked tps tested ok Also my check engine light is on If i steep on the throttle aa bit it runs fine Any ideas  

Check your engine codes is your best bet.. go to this web site listed and it can tell you haw to read your own engine codes..This will assist in pinpointing problems..This soulds like the car may need some tunning!

Follow the instructions to read your own might want to print it out and keep it in your car for refernece if needed!

Good Luck!