Mitsubishi Repair: HELP my car went crazy, negative battery cable, mitsubishi eclipse

I have a 1995 mitsubishi Eclipse Turbo GT.
I was driving and the chack enginge light had been on, but the car was running fine. Than my anti-lock brake light on then would go off and than go back on.Second my car started smelling like rotten eggs. Third it just went crazy, The windshield wipers went on and would not go off,the radio, the lights everything and poof the car dies. I checked under the hood and the battery was smoking and it looked like it was going to explode. Do you have any idea what could be wrong? I have put so much money into it and I was going to trade it in this week, so If you could help me with just getting it started that would be great. THANKS

Your problem definitely sounds like a problem with your ignition and/or charging system.  Your alternator may be malfunctioning and sending too much current to your battery.  It's possible the alternator has become ungrounded due to a poor ground connection or possible a voltage regulator in your alternator has blown.  Typically, that would cause your alternator fuse to blow.  Check your alternator fuse to see if it may have melted.  Your charging system should be checked for grounding and proper operation.  It's not typical that this happens, but make sure your battery is not installed backwards.  Be sure the positive terminal on the battery is connected to the long battery cable with the red cap on it.  The negative battery cable should be connected to the much shorter cable, and is typically not capped.

Another possibilty is that your car's computer (ECU) is malfunctioning.  The ECU is responsible for controlling and monitoring almost every system on your car.  On Mitsubishis built between '89-'94, they were known to have underrated electrical components used in them.  Over time, those components would fail, causing all sorts of crazy things to happen with the car.  Depending on when exactly your car was built in '95, it may have received the same underrated electrical components as well.  Have your ECU inspected as well for possible damage.  Hopefully, your problem will require a simple fix.
Good luck!