Mitsubishi Repair: 1992 Mitsubishi Mirage, 1.5L, Automatic, mitsubishi mirage, coolant temp

We have an intermittent problem where our 1992 Mit Mirage 1.5 may be running fine but then the next minute it loses power to the point that you could have your foot all the way on the accelerator and the car just creeps forward a little and coughs until finally it dies. You try to turn it on and it just chokes.  However, if you wait a few minutes, it turns on, leave it idling a bit while revving it every so often, then it goes as if nothing had happened. This has been happening on and off for a year and we have no indication as to when it's going to happen it just does.  We've replaced the fuel filter, pcv, distributor cap, battery, air filter, and spark plugs.  The car does have a rough idle but after replacing the above items the idle has gotten a bit better.  Also it seems that the car misfires from time to time.  Someone said it might be the distributor but we don't know if it is and whether or not it's worth fixing.  What could be the problem?  

Here are the most probable causes:
1. Ignition module or main EFI relay may be overheating: Replace affected parts.
2. Vapor lock: Open hood and allow the engine to cool for about 30 minutes. Insure heat shields and/or supplemental cooling fan is working properly.
3. There is a fuel injection problem: EFI system meeds to be scanned to find problem. Possibly a bad ECM or Coolant Temp Sensor.  You can read this article for further information on Mitsubishi ECMs:

Vapor lock is VERY rare on today's more modern cars because most cars are fuel injected now and the fuel system is pressurized, but it's possible.  Also, check your fuel pump.  If your fuel pump is overheating, it may need to time to cool before it'll start.  A distributor is a possibility, but it's an expensive replacement.  Check the other items I've mentioned and see if that'll pin point the problem.
Good luck!