Motorcycle Repair: 2007 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Clutch Bearing Issue, yamaha v star 1100 classic, yamaha v star 1100

I have a 2007 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Classic. I had a wreck some time back and laid it over still running. I had repairs made through insurance at local dealership. Since, I have had issues with it starting and staying running. I assumed it was a starter issue so I had starter rebuilt professionally. Did not help. Contacted local dealership and was told to check one-way clutch bearing. Turns out it is warped. They are telling me that it was almost positively caused by the wreck. I am wanting your professional opinion. I have my insurance adjuster coming to re-evaluate the bike and would like to have more than one professional opinion about the cause. I would appreciate any information that you can give me.
Thank you for your time.

Russ,Its not likely its warped from a wreck. But it can wear flat spots on the rollers and not grab the back of the flywheel when starting. This comes from normal usage. Unless the side cover took a hit and broke inward hitting the starter one-way clutch it did'nt damage it. It is however possible that the impact and laying on its side may have allowed the rollers to turn in the cage that are held in place by springs and now dont grip the machined surface on the back of the flywheel.