Motorcycle Repair: please help if you can!!!!, honda magna, starter relay

My father has a 1986 honda magna 700cc  he took it for a ride about a week ago and it stalled on him and wouldnt start back up all it does is make a clicking noise we were told it was the starter relay switch and we bought and replaced it and the bike still wont start any suggestions to as what it could be please help

This may be due to two problems.  If you just hear a clicking noise and the lights stay on bright, then the solenoid (or starter relay) may be bad.  If the lights all dim when the starter button in depressed, then the battery is bad.  However if the bike stalled during a ride and would not re-start, then perhaps the charging circuit is faulty.  So I would verify the battery and replace it if necessary, then check that you are getting over 12V when the bike is running to indicate that the battery is being charged.  Charging voltage should be between 12 and 14 V.  Good luck,  Jan