Motorcycle Repair: loseing power, kawasaki zx10r, fuel filter

I have a Kawasaki zx10r (2005), it seems that around 8000rpm it just wont flats put. The shop has checked injectors fuel filter and electronic (dyno), Still no answer. Any ideas on what could cause that. It does it in every gear goes good until about 8000rpm and then wont pass 10000 rpm no matter how far or fast i run it.

If a bike shop has checked it out and can't find the problem, it is highly unlikely that I can. But I appreciate your confidence in me. :-)

The only thing I can think of is to check the air filters and intake system. It is possible that the air filters are restricting the airflow after 8,000rpm, so you might want to try replacing them with new factory elements or switching to K&N's.