Motorcycle Repair: mileage, fluid changes, preventive maintance

QUESTION: hi hi  listen this no mechanical yes and no  but still need to know    so i can planeed good trip and stuff i need  to know how much mileage can a harley sporty 1200     2003 can take    thanks if ran and taken good care of         thanks alot  for answering

ANSWER: Are you refering to miles per gallon, number of miles you can go on a tank of gas or how many miles the bike will last?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi hi   yess i mean  the life of the bike   thanks   an approx of course is what i need to know ,just out of curiosity   thanks again

That is going to depend on how you take care of the bike. I have seen harleys last 80,000 miles without problems. You need to keep up with your fluid changes and any preventive maintance and it will last you a long time
Good luck and happy riding