Motorcycle Repair: honda 250r wont start, honda 250r, crank case

i have a 1982 honda 250 r that wont start its getting fuel and spark but still wont start are they two stroke or 4 stroke

The 250R is a 2 stroke.  Assuming the timing is right and the carb is set correctly, the only other thing that will keep a 2 stroke from starting are compression and crank case seals.  You'll have to check the compression and if that's okay, you'll need to need to check the crank case seals.  TO do that you'll have to block off the intake and the exhaust port and pressurize the crank case to about 10 psi.  Then watch how quickly the pressure drops.  If it drops quickly, you'll need to replace the seals.  If it goes down slowly, the seals are okay.
