Motorcycle Repair: Oil Drain Plug / synth. oil, oil drain plug, drain plugs

QUESTION: There are two drain plugs, very close together, on the left side of the oil  pan.  One is slightly farther left than the other - but very slightly.  Which is the oil drain plug, and what is the other? The manual only says "remove the drain plug on the left side of the oil pan."  From manual, the transmission is on the right side, and the primary is on the left side, right under the clutch inspection cover.  The problem there is that all drain plugs seem to be coming out of the oil pan.  Help!
Thanks for your help and your great website ........Bones.

ANSWER: What year and model?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

  Regarding my earlier question concerning the location of the oil drain plug:  my bike is a 2005 Electra Glide Classic.

ANSWER: Looking under the bike on the right, the plug closest to you is the trans drain. the oil drain is to the left and foward on the oil pan.
Good luck and happy riding

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Mike your answer is very clear.
Another question if you will.  I know that I can use synth. oil in every box, but can I use the same grade such as 20/50?  In essence, can I buy a box of 20/50 synth. oil and use that oil in trans., primary, and engine?

There are certain oils that can be used in all three. What you need to do it check with the sales person and make sure that is the case. You can also look at the bottle and it should say can be used in all three on a harley
Good luck and happy riding