Motorcycle Repair: Master cylinder rebuild, needle nose pliers, snap ring pliers


I am rebuilding or attempint too a Front master cylinder on a 77 Kz 1000 round style and am looking for a step by step guide. Just a little confuzed about snap ring and washer deal.

I don't have experience with that model but I've rebuilt a few and they are probably similar.

It is difficult to find a pair of snap ring pliers which are long enough to reach into the channel of the piston.

I took a pair of extra long and thin needle nose pliers and I ground the tips so that they would fit the snap ring. Works great.

Pay special attention to the order of the items which come out of the cylinder. There will be:

* dust boot
* snap ring
* washer
* piston guide with o-ring
* piston
* brass spring washer
* rubber cup
* spring

Maybe more parts, maybe less but similar, I'm guessing. Keep track of how they fit together and the order.

Once everything is out, check the cylinder for pitting and clean it with some brake parts cleaner and a cotton ball or something soft.

When inserting the new assembly, use a pair of gloves and dip the assembly in brake fluid. You probably want to put a plugged up banjo in the other end so the fluid won't make a mess.

This fluid is to lubricate the cylinder and keep the cup from catching on something and tearing.

There is the temptation to push the piston back and forth a few times to test it out. Don't do it. The range of travel in the cylinder is smaller than what you can do. You risk damaging it if you stick a tool in there and try to push on it.