Motorcycle Repair: 81 Goldwing, fluid velocity, vacuum system

QUESTION: Hi Rich...just replaced the front caliper seals again last time I replaced them I finally broke down and had a local shop put the vaccum pump to bleed them down. Is there any possible way to bleed these brakes without a vacuum system. The local shop is now closed where can I buy a brake system bleeding system if I need one?

ANSWER: Jack, the fastest and easiest way is with a vacuum pump but it can be done manually. You don't need a fancy system.  You can pick up a mini-vac system from autozone for under $20.

Good Luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Rich...thanks...I am having @##$%^^ of a time bleeding these bad boys down. I have bought the pump, greased the bleed screw nipples and cracked them slowly and still I get a mushy front brake lever. I have run a litre of brake fluid through the system. I have burp the bangos and bench bled the master....any other ideas....I  remember the mechanic at the shop told me this was gonna be a tough one any other ideas? All indicators still point to air in the I hang the bike upside down from the garage rafters?

Well, you don't want to bleed the brake too slowly.  You actually need to use the fluid velocity to carry the air down to the bleed valve.  I'd recommend you get someone to help you and use the vacuum pump to suck fluid out of the system as someone pours fluid into the master cylinder reservoir to keep it full.  Do one side until the line doesn't show any air and then do the other side. This will work to get the air out.  Are you sure you don't have a master cylinder that isn't pumping due to crud in the bore?
