Motorcycle Repair: Hard starting, custom chopper, david answer

QUESTION: Hello, I have a custom chopper, 124 S&S, BDL open belt drive with outer bearing supports, baker 6 speed trans. Oil tank surrounds battery box, and I've got the largest battery that will fit. It is 275cca by twin power. Last two starters were 1.4 spyke. Current starter is 1.7 all balls. When bike was hard to start in the past it was the battery or the starter. This time I replaced both and it still wont start. 12.4 volts at start and drags down to 7-8. in 2 seconds. If I jump the bike it will fire right up like it sounds like it should. Checked the cables and connections. resistance and voltage are good from battery to starter... Any suggestions??? Thanks, David

ANSWER: Get a Big Boar battery. has alot more cranking amps or you can install compression releases
Good luck and happy riding

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Already have compression releases, and largest battery that will fit. It has a small battery box wrapped by the oil tank. It has started fine in the past? If I pull the plugs it turns over fine. Could I have gotten a bad "new" starter? how do I test for that? Is it possible that there is a misaliagnment with the trans,beltdrive,engine?

If you have compression releases, then you are not fighting much compression when trying to start.
I would start by having the battery tested to make sure it good. Might have a bad sell in it. make sure you have a good ground. If the battery and the ground are ok, then you need to pull the starter and test it. Yes, you could have gotten a bad new starter.
Also, check your timing. Avvanced to far and they are hard to start
Good luck and happy riding