Motorcycle Repair: No spark, chris answer, modual

I have a 1987 FLTC and I was riding it and it just cut out. It cranks and I know its getting fuel because I can smell it.  What would be causing no spark?  Ignition coil?
Any help appreciated.
ANSWER: First, check at the coil. When the ignition is on you should have 12 volts on one post of the coil. If not then you have a short to the coil. If you do then doa  OHMs test onthe coil and plug wires. If thy pass then you have a bad pickup in the cam cover.
Good luck and happy riding

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QUESTION:  Thanks.  I checked and I do not get spark.  I have new wires and I know the coil is getting juice.  Is there any other way to determine it is the coil?
any help appreciated.
ANSWER: Do you have  a OHMs meter?

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Yes I do have a volt meter with a ohm tester.  Could it be my Regulatot/rectifier?  I know its putting out volts to charge the battery.  What are the chances of the Ignition pickup going bad out of the blue? How would I test the pickup?
Thanks for your help Mike
ANSWER: If it was your regulator your battery wouln not be charging.
To test your coil, first remove it. At the 2 posts where the 12 volt wires attach check the OHMs. You should be getting 2.5-3.1 OHMs. Then test at the posts where the plug wires go. You should get 11,250-13,750. If either test fail then the coil is bad. If the coil is ok then it either your modual or pickup. There are 12 different tests to determine which is bad and without pics its going to be hard to explain on here how to do them. If you need to do the tests you should get a Harley repair manual and in it you will find the tests.
Good luck and happy riding

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Where is the module?  I know where the pickup is. I have a Clymer repair manual.  How would I test the pickup? Continuity or ohm test?

The modual should be located on the upper front forks. Its a black retangular box.
To test the pickup, first unplug it. test OHMs betweent he ted wire and ground on the puckup plate.Any resistance, its bad.
Next, Check the black to green, should be 300-750 OHMs, anything else its bad.
Good luck and happy riding