Motorcycle Repair: 1987 Honada Shadow 1100, shadow 1100, pulse generator

I just bought my 1st bike, and it started backfiring when I rode about 30 miles with the choke 1/2 on. I changed the spark plugs 1 at a time and now the bike has bad timing issues and still backfires. The manual says that the timing can not be adjusted manually, only to check all connections and if need be replace the pulse generator. What do you think I should do?

Hi Jason,

Do not use the choke while riding. Allow the engine and spark plugs to reach operating temperatures before putting a load on the engine.

If the engine starts and runs with choke, but stalls without the choke; indicates the carburetors need cleaned or the engine idle speed adjusted, or both.

Clean or replace all spark plugs at the same time and check engine performance. If the carbs need attention, changing the plugs will not improve performance alone. The carb work must be done and then plugs serviced.

Prior to replacing any parts, always test and verify the parts are defective before replacement buying parts. It's fruitless and expensive to replace parts in hopes of fixing unknown problems.

It's possible that the ignition system is defective. I cannot accurately diagnose the problem from the information provided. I suspect the carbs have varnished.

I return tech information files by email. There was no email address with your question as requested and explained in my instructions.

Mark Shively