Motorcycle Repair: Gas Scooter, starter solenoid, gas powered scooter

I have a 150cc gas powered scooter, I was riding and the battery slipped and came to rest against a hot surface which subsequently melted the fusible link, it DID NOT blow the fuse and the damage was between the battery and the fuse.  I repaired the wire, tested the battery and it's fine but, when I try to start the scooter it only clicks .. it does have a CVT transmission and electric start.  Any suggestion or ideas?  HELP!

roger thanks for the questuion you should be fine have the starter solenoid checked  and the starter relay if its clicking one of those are bad more than likely it is the test the solenoid go to the solenoid take a screwdriver and touch the 2 big screws on the solenoid together with the key on if the bike starts then you know its the relay. ok. if you need any help  let me know ok. P,S please dont forget to rate my answer and leaqve feed-back for me ok. we do this as volunteers but like to see our feed back and nominations too.if youfeel i helped you. good luck and keep riding you will be fine,

                        mitch kruszynsky