Motorcycle Repair: 1996 suzuki rm 125 problems, suzuki rm 125, exhaust leaks

hi i was wondering if u new why my exhaust leaks half bunrt pre mix oil out of it i thought it cood have something to do with the coil not giving the spark plug enough spark to inginiter and burn all the oil because i cut down on my oil ratio to 35:1 ther is less smoke but it still drips out of the either where the exhaust joins to the cylinder or were the exhaust joins to the muffler cood this have done damage to my engine not enuf lubrication, or cood it have something to do with the carberetter i also dont no how far the screw shood be out on my carberetter for the air mixing also can oil leak out of the front sproket  becoz it spits out of myn is there a seal in there any way thx for reading  

Although your question isn't very clear I think I can help.  For your front sproket leak I'm not sure what u mean.  R u talking about the gear right off of the motor?  If so, oil can't leak from the gear itself, but it can leak from the shaft.  Your fuel issue sounds like a sticky float in the carb.  The oil u r finding smells like gas?  Good luck and let me know!