Motorcycle Repair: Honda Z50 motor, honda z50, honda engines

I recently bought a Honda Z50 motor for a minibike project that I am working on.  Sad to say I am a bit ignorant when it comes to bikes though, if you can consider a minibike a bike.  I have a few questions on this motor though.  It would appear that there is an electrical wiring, just one wire, coming out of the motor.  I am under the impression that it's not needed for the bike to run considering that it's a kick start and most small engines don't need a battery.  What's it for?  I can only assume that it's for a headlight or something.  Another question: does this motor need a transmission or can I just run it off of a centripital clutch with a chain direct to the wheel?  If it does need a transmission, I see no place to bolt one is it internal?  Well that's all I really have for now.  Thank you for your time.
God Bless

Hi Jack,

Thanks for the Blessing, Sir.

Unfortunately, I have no experience with these Honda engines.

Try contacting the minibike manufacturer or Honda and inquire about a service manual or other technical data assistance.

God be with you.

Mark Shively