Motorcycle Repair: primary isolation, performance clutch, dirty oil

I have a 1979 FLH and was trying to decide whether to isolate the primary.  I have heard that is was a very good thing for your motor and others have said not to do it.  I would think it would possibly extend engine life.  I was also thinking of changing over to a Riveria Pro clutch. What do you think?  

Isolating the primary from the motor does nothing to extend the life of the motor. All that is happening is that oil is dripping on the primary chain and is sucked back to the oil tank. If you isolate it, you will be running dirty oil all the time in there, because there is no filter.
On the clutch, the pro clutch is a better clutch, but if you are running a stock bike you dont need it. the time to change over the a performance clutch is when the clutch slips from horsepower of the bike. Like if you stroked it or set it up for high performance.
Good luck and happy riding