Motorcycle Repair: Rectifier/Regulator, electrex usa, cbr 1000f

I own an 87 cbr 1000f. The rectifier on this bike was fried. So i found a parts place that carried the rectifier for this bike. Now i am aware that honda made a few different rectifier styles for this bike, so i was prepared to get one different then the one i took off. Now the one that was on the bike had 6 wires, 3 yellow, 1 black, 1 white and i red and white. Now the one that i recvd has 8. it has the same wire except it came with a green one and another small black one. Now my first question is what it the proper way to install this on my bike. I had to cut the plug beecause it was bad as well. secondly i did install the wires that were there and my bike began to charge, the only thing is that once i revd it to about 5000 the meter jump up to 15v which tells me that it is over charging. So i feel i have done something wrong here because there are still those two wires left over. So wht is the proper way to install this.

Thanks Terrence

Hi Terrence,

Q:  wht is the proper way to install this?

A:  You'll have to contact the manufacturer for their product wiring diagram to learn the wiring code.

The extra leads may be for another application and not necessary to your MC.

I recommend products by Electrex USA. ""

Electrex USA manufactures quality electrical replacement parts. Finer than OEM parts. Visit their website and check out the Troubleshooting Chart.

Generally, I consider 17.5 to 18 VDC over-charging. 13 to 15 VDC is good with engine rpm above idle.

Mark Shively