Motorcycle Repair: Electrical Problems, handelbars, kz1000

I recently replaced the handlebars on my kz1000.I had to cut the wires on the right side and splice them back together,because they ran through the handelbars.The bike fires up,idles, runs strong although when I first crank it in the morning it will idle for about 30 sec. and then die.It will crank back up and run fine.My first impression is that it is not getting fire.Could it be that my ignition (it no longer has points)is beginning to go out,or could I have done something when I spliced the wires back.
                                Joe V

Hi Joe,

Has the morning starting problem existed for a while or is this problem new since cutting the wiring?

Was the KZ stored or not started for any period of time? Any other information you can provide about history of repairs or performance parts is helpful to a tech when diagnosing problems.

Do you have an email address? I return repair tech information files be email. There was no email address with question as requested in my instructions.

Mark Shively